Monday, February 22, 2010

Week three, the second layer of the car

This week I stared work on the second layer of the chassis of the car. from the start i knew it was going to be much harder then the bottom layer, just because I would have to somehow hold the second layer up before welding it, to make sure everything was right. So before putting the pipe in place my dad, Armando, and my self measured out where the pipe need to be. Then we welded up supports to hold the pipe in place to we would be sure it was perfect. After getting all the supports in place I went to the milling machine and put the right coping for the pipe to connect to the already in place, bottom chassis. then it was time to put the two long side rails on the car. I had my dad and Armando hold it up while i welded it in place. After that we put the supports in place and the second layer was done. the one thing that was a hurdle we had to get over, was that the design book didn't say what to do about the front of the car, so I had to think of something that would work and be cool to connect the middle chassis to the bottom in the front. so i took some extra pipe we had and bent it unto a u shape that would fit and connect the two pipes together, and it worked great and made it look cool. As I said last week, this makes the car look way more cool and more like a Dune buggy insted off a bunch of pipes. I'm very excited to continue on my car and cant wait to be able to take it home and start putting it all together.

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