Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 7, the Front of the Car

This weekends goal was to get all of the front support bars in place. For this I had to guess and check because we had already lengthened the car so the plans were no longer completely right. Luckily I didn't have any problems and cut the bars at the right length, and put the right cope on the end. this was kind of hard tho cause one of the bars making the x as you can see in the pictures isn't solid. so I had to make to bars and line them up
To Be Continued.......

Week Six, Adding to the Frame

For this week it was all bout getting the support in for the frame. Once I had the basic shell of the chassis I had to then add in all the support bars that it called for and a couple extra for some additional strength. one o the things that I realized during this process is that everything takes way longer that you think it does. I Have been going in and working on my project every weekend and I'm no where near my schedule that I had written up before i started my project. One of the thing that makes it take a lot longer is perfection. If the bars cut a little wrong or just barely off its not worth trying to fix it and having it not right, so
you have to just start over, and that's happened many times! As I have pictured above the two bars going across the top are not originally in the plan but we added them for extra support if I were to roll the car over. Adding extra things can be good and bad, good for extra support but bad cause its just extra weight making the car heavier and in turn slower. Also this day I had installed the two bars on each side coming down from the top of the car to the middle for the side windows. so far in the project I'm having a great time and I'm still trying to get the project finished by May but its going to be tough.